Overseas Americans Week

Overseas Americans Week (“OAW”) kicks off today. OAW is an annual program now in its eighth year that embodies the commitment of overseas Americans organizations to maintaining an ongoing dialogue with Congress and agencies on policy issues that directly affect the lives of US citizens abroad. There is a lot on the agenda, so please contact your members of Congress and ask them to engage.

The participating organizations:

AARO: Association of Americans Resident Overseas, founded 1973, based in Paris
ACA: American Citizens Abroad, founded 1978, based in Geneva
FAWCO: Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas Inc., founded 1931, worldwide network

For more information on Overseas Americans Week 2009, contact:

AARO: contact@aaro.org
ACA: info.aca@gmail.com
FAWCO: USLiaison@fawco.org

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